1st Faculty of MedicineCharles UniversityInstitute of Physical Education
jjir 04.10.2024

Free sporting activities for you

 We have prepared for you the possibility of free sports on Friday afternoon or swimming in Monday in the Hostivaƙ sports centre (SCUK). These sports classes will be for your interest in sports and your well-being and there will be no credit given for them. You will have the sport halls just for yourself!

The free sporting activities in hall are every Friday from 17:00 to 18:00.

The pool will be free to visit for swimming every Monday from 7:30am to 8:30am.

The same rules apply as in PE classes, but you can enjoy your own sport with your own choices.

Come and play sports or swim with your friends!

number of views: 154 author: jjir, last modification: jjir, 04.10.2024
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