1st Faculty of MedicineCharles UniversityInstitute of Physical Education
jjir 23.09.2024

About us


The Institute of Physical Education has been part of the 1st Faculty of Medicine for more than 50 years. Until this time, many professionals from individual sports and scholars worked here. Most of the students who studied at our faculty still remember them very well.

The approach to physical education has changed a lot over the last century. Compared to former students, the interest in sports activities has decreased significantly. According to several researches, sports activities should be a part of daily life as a part of a healthy lifestyle, but nowadays most students are reluctant to such activities and prefer the convenience that today's world offers. The aim of our institute is to convince and teach future doctors and health workers that sport is sometimes more effective than medicine. Well-prescribed activity can prevent or even cure some diseases. We always try to teach according to new trends in sports activities such as pilates, power yoga, functional training, beach volleyball, etc. Students themselves have the opportunity to realize how sport has healthy effects and that it is really necessary for our lives...

Regular sports activity helps to relax and physically cope with the stress of studying and exams, and later the carousel of services and overtime. Future doctors should be able to recommend or directly prescribe activity and movement to their patients. Nowadays, many people go to clinics with problems that they can often cure themselves, if only they started living healthier and did not expect a doctor to solve any discomfort for them. One day you will look at such "patients" as current students, give them sensitive advice and teach them to take responsibility for their own health. In addition, a doctor who is healthy and physically fit certainly seems more credible for most people.

In terms of the range of activities and student interest, we are a clearly "number one" compared to other faculties of the Charles University.

So study hard and don't forget to play sports to become good doctors in great physical condition!


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